Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Moodle: A step in the "right" direction?

Reading today from "THE Journal", an article about Moodle. I already use Moodle in my classes and I agree that the ease of use is fantastic. Another benefit is that Moodle has that "heavenly ceiling" that keeps me interested... always knowing that there is (and always will be) more that I can understand, learn and use.

However there is a quote that struck me. A teacher is discussing the benefits of Moodle and the ease of use... as well as the fact that it often makes one's job easier. "Moodle scores the quizzes, which I can enter into my gradebook without having to deal with mounds of paperwork." Sounds fantastic, doesn't it?? A self-scoring quiz that gives students immediate feedback and gives you the ability to just enter that number in the gradebook.

It is glorious.

But how does that affect formative assessment? Is this really a step in the right direction? Making those quizzes (that aren't really best practice in the first place) easier?

Don't get me wrong. Use Moodle. Definitely. It definitely makes life easier. Take it from me.

But as a challenge for myself with the lens of formative assessment, I will just be looking into other uses of the software for my purposes.

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