Saturday, August 18, 2007

Fantastic New Boobs Analogy

Today at class, Liesl told me about something she had heard on the radio. The author, Lisa See, has said that boob jobs are today's foot binding! Liesl said that the largest group of people getting these breast enhancements are...

Wait for it...



Wait for it to sink in...

SEVENTEEEN YEAR OLD GIRLS constitute the LARGEST group (no pun intended) of people getting breast enhancements!

If that wasn't sad enough for you... wait until you hear this...

Do you know how they are getting them??


Their mothers are buying boobies for them so they can be sexier and found attractive by men!!

Tell me... how is this any different than footbinding?

I can just imagine that years from now people will be baffled and disgusted at what women/girls did in order to "make themselves attractive".

It makes me ill.

Women: WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER! Stop hating yourself and your body. Love you for who you are. YOU are AMAZING! Any guy who doesn't see it isn't worth your time... and here's the kicker...

Other women who are judging you (because it has often been said that women only really dress for other women) are NOT worth your time. Surround yourself with fellow women who understand they are in the same boat... and we won't make it through without supporting each other.

We're in this together... and we will do it.

Love you!

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