Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Fortunate Accidents

I was just thinking about a conversation that was had yesterday at the Grillfest. Nikko mentioned that he didn't even know he was going to be in German class. Tyler Jones followed that up with the comment that he had actually signed up for Spanish 2 and 3, yet had been put in German class. (I never knew this!) I told him I was sorry! He smiled and said that if he didn't like it, he would have switched out after the first day... and beyond that, he wouldn't have continued into German 2 and beyond. I told all the boys there that these are what I like to call "Fortunate Accidents". Because it's true. Many of the awesome students I have gotten have been as a result of a seeming mishap. I'm definitely not complaining... and apparently they aren't either. That made my day.

(Close your ears... I'm doing a bit of shameless boasting here... patting myself on the back as I reflect on the meaning of this... don't worry... I'm already feeling the religious scorn and guilt for doing so...)
To hear that students who weren't planning on being in German stayed with it and have really, really succeeded is just an awesome testament to them and the wonderful things going on in my classroom. I don't want to lose that.

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