Saturday, August 18, 2007

Today in class...

Today Randy and Jamin were talking about a class they had taken this summer. The teacher in that class told them something interesting. He had noticed that the members of our class (and I find truth in myself in this... which is why I'm blogging it) often had the experience of finding the right answer the first time, but then abandoning it immediately upon the slightest glitch. They didn't just try it again... they abandoned the plan.

How often do I drop something or become so totally depressed about it that I have claimed it a failure (at least in my mind) (like the centers and center groups) just because of one slight glitch. That is silly... and not even close to logical.

I wouldn't tell my daughters or my students to ever do that.

So why do I?

Sometimes I even know it's the right thing to do... but I'll drop it, convincing myself that it was not, in fact, the right idea, after the slightest problem.


So need to remember to press on in what I believe... and find new answers and tweaks for what I know is right.

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